I was born in Hong Kong, raised here in San Francisco since the early 1980's. We weren't too wealthy, sheltered in a small apartment by the hills of Chinatown on Jackson St.

Although the apartment was small at least it brought my family closer for we needed one another due to the lack of friends, family, and community. The apartment was old, but it's all we could afford. It was a few steps away from Chinatown, so it was convenient for my mother and father's commute to work; and since we only spoke Cantonese, it was the best community for us where we felt safe and comfortable. With this being said, despite the many rumors of how weird and much paranormal events had occured around our block, we still chose to stay. My father had two jobs, one in the break of dawn and another until dusk. One evening he was dismissed from work a little earlier than usual. As usual he would walk the same path home, through the dark ally of Mason St, cut an immediate left on Jackson St, and proceed up the unforgiving hill. It was quite late, even though he was dismissed early from work. Usually at that hour there is no one to be seen on the streets except his shadow. As he was walking, glaring through the mist of fog with the dully lit street lights tired he was he saw a figure of a man walking before him. My father slowly paced behind the male figure, mind his own business and thought nothing of it. By the middle of the block my father accidentally kicks a set of keys, the noise so familar he thought the keys belonged to him, but it did not. The only other person on that block was the other male, therefore my father approached him and asked if these keys belonged to him. According to what my father said, as soon as the male turned to my father's attention, the description of this male's face was unforgettable. He was extremely pale, with bags as if he has not slept for days. He answered in a settle tone that the keys did not belong to him then proceeded to walk. My father was quite shocked of his appearance which gave him chills where he just threw the keys to the ground and watch the male walk away. They both finally made it to the top of the hill. My father unlocked the first gate to the apartment as he stared towards the male and watched him proceed across the block up to another hill. My father shut the gate then opened the second door. He then walked up the stairs one flight after another. As soon as he reached the second flight he saw that same male walk before him. My father was shocked for he was the only person who entered through those doors. As well he did not recognize him being a tenant of the apartment. It was a small apartment which consists of only six units, so everyone knew one another. This male was an exception where my father had no idea who he was or lived. My father not too closely followed the male up the stairs and strangley the male never turned around. By the fourth flight which was the last flight my father hid himself in the corner so the male would not see him. In about a few seconds my father walked up the fourth flight and noticed that the male was gone. Shocked, scared, and confusion, raced through my father's mind where he sprint his way back home. Through a regular conversation between my father and our neighbors, they mentioned that they have also encountred of this strange male presense. As curious as I was of this incident I was fobidden by my parents to ask any more questions about what happen and if it had reoccured. This is one of my earlier paranormal events, although not occured to me, still left a mark which led to my curiosity of the paranormal.
This is only one out of the few that I will share for now. I will disclose more in my future postings. I will leave you thinking and have you build your own curiosity as I was am still today. Perhaps you might want to share some of your paranomral expereinces...
This is a great post! I just want to read more and more. I really felt like I could get a grasp of the night, and the scenery around that moment. There is nothing like that bone chilling scare when you see something or someone that really shouldn't be there.