Within the alter their is a bowl of rice with one incense inserted in the center of the rice. Surrounding the rice bowl there are fruits, cakes, and dishes of their favorite foods. All of that is consumed by the spirit after the farewell before they cross over to the other side. This is considered their last meal.
My experience with the paranormal is related to a relative who had passed away when I was five years of age. This incident once again took place in the apartment I disclosed in my previous post. If you had forgotten, the apartment is located on the hills of Chiantown, on Jaskson St. What I am about to disclose is a bit strange in which some of you might find ways to argue what had occured. As I mentioned from my earlier posts. You are entitled to what you believe, all of my posts are just my interest and exploration of the paranormal.
Wednesday evening, bordering between 7:30pm to 8:00pm my mother and I were having our meal. We usually have our meals earlier in the evening, but my mother insisted to wait for my brother and father's return from an apartment of our relative which was not far away located at the foot of Chinatown, on Kearney St. During that evening, I learned that a relative of mine had just passed away, which explained why my brother and father has not return for quite some time. My brother and father along with my aunt and uncle was at the apartment of my deceased relative in removing and dismantling her furnitures. It is a old Chinese tradition to remove all furnitures that once belonged to ones who has passed. My relative passed away in her bed due to illness, therefore my family must dismantle the bed along with other furnishes she owned. When all was finished my brother and father returned home. It was quite late, and I was already sound asleep, so I am uncertain of what time they returned.
Unknown time, only certain it was passed midnight, therefore Thursday; I recall myself removing from my bed. I shared a room with my brother, a bump bed in which I was stationed at the bottom and him above. Our room was directly across the kitchen, about two steps away from the living room, and five steps away from my parent's room. No one heard my foot steps, for I assume everyone was tired from arriving home late. I could vaguely remember myself walking to the refrigerator and slowly opening it. After that all seemed like an illusion.
Thursday morning, bordering between 7:00am and 7:30am, I recall school session beginning around 8:30am, therefore my brother and I are usually waken by the voice and tapping of my mother's hand. That morning was unusal. I did wake from the voice of my mother, but it was her voice not directed for my brother and I for school. My father and mother were arguing in the kitchen, and being that I was waken and groggy, I did not know what had happened. I just knew that I heard them talking quite loud for 7:00am in the morning. I slowly attempted to remove myself from my bed. Still laid down with my blanket above me I felt a heavy article above my chest. With my fingers I reached for what was underneath my blanket, an oily substance resided my finger tips. I stared at my blanket and around my chest area were residues of oil stains. I was not shocked or scared, but just curious of what was on top of me. I lifted the blanket and a plate of chicken rested on top of my chest. The chicken was what my mother and I had for dinner the night before. The plate was still rather full because as I mentioned earlier my mother and I were the only two who had dinner. My brother and father did not come home til late, so they did not ate too much of what was left. I walked out of my room and presented the plate of chicken to my mother and father. Their argument stopped eruptly. They stared at what was on my hand. They asked how and why did I have the plate of chicken. I did not have an answer. The arguement my parent's had was concerning the chicken.My mother had planned to pack the left overs for my father as lunch, but when she discovered the missing plate, that completely shocked her. What shocked her even more was how I was able to reach for the plate and not have a single piece of chicken fall to the kitchen floor. I was short, small. and weak. How could I have placed a full plate of chicken on top of my chest and have the blanket cover over me and not have one fall onto the floor in my room. On top of that I had a small plate of sauce besides me like I was having a meal of my own.
Through the years my father never disclose to me what he "knew" was the reasoning for what had occured. Many years later he then told me the tradition of passed away spirits, of how they return for their last meal and say farewell to thei love ones. He was skeptical of what had happened, trying many ways to debunk what occured, finding another possible explanation for the incident. He tried many ways of looking at it, and at the end one reasoning he could not reason out was the return of my passed away relative. How she came back to say farewell to all of us and had her last supper before she moved on to the "other world."
Hi Simon,
ReplyDeleteThis post gave me the chills! I love it, oddly. It's super creepy and captivating, especially when I glance over to your profile picture. When I first saw how long the post was, I was going to just read the first few sentence and skip to the end, but the Chinese history kept me going.
Growing up in a super superstitious Chinese family, I know all the tradition you've talked about in your post. My family and I've experienced a bit of paranormal activities ourselves, and believe me, those things sticks to you like crazy glue.
My advise to you is to space out the blog a little. Either with links to Ghost history, so you don't have to explain, or pictures. You might also want to skip a line between each paragraph.
Great job! Add more ghost stories! =D
This is another great post! I love hearing your personal stories. You describe it very well, to the point where I can be in the moment. I also enjoyed the chinese history, I think the story could have been lost without it. It was also brief enough to not take over the post. Please, post more of your own stories!