" they flew to Mars," Sand's article, 1952.

According to the map, Bermuda Triangle is located near the Atlantic coast of Miami and Puerto Rico. This part of the ocean is well known not just for its mystery, but also serves as a port for many commerical vehicles and cruise ships. The name "Devil's Triangle," I am certain rings a bell to many of us, maybe through movies, news, documentaries, or personal research.
My first contact with this subject was when I was in 3rd grade while filtering through my encyclopedia. Recalling from my readings many moons ago, as mentioned earlier this "triangle" dwells near the Atlantic coast. The encyclopedia mentioned that many ships and planes vanished in thin air as soon as they arrive close to the southern ports of this mysterious sea. Ships that sail within that "twightlight zone" never ever returns. Investigations and research has been conducted for the past years as well many assumptions has been made, but none are solidly proven. This stirred my curiosity of this topic in which I hope through this posting I may also capture the attention of yours. Perhaps you can also share some of your knowledge in reassuring my facts and curiosity.
So how did Bermuda Triangle live up to its reputition as the Devil's Triangle? There has been countless talks and rumors of the events pertaining to this mysterious part of the sea. However, I feel that the history has not been mentioned as often as it should. The search and mystery of the triangle has tickled people's mind since the early 1950's when a short article was written by George X. Sand, titled "Sea Mystery at our Back Door." Although the article was written during the 1950's, it is said that one of the first few ships to have ever fell victim to the triangle was vanished between 1780 through 1824, warships such as the Hornet, Wildcat, Wasp, and General Gates. All of these ships were reported missing by the US Navy. Have these ships really vanished in the triangle? Who would ever know? The sea is quite massive, but for it not to be discovered until today leaves a question mark in my mind. To mention a few more, one of the most famous disapperance is the U.S.S. Cyclops. This ship vanished in March of 1918. What makes this more significant is that 309 men were boarded on this ship whom has also vanished. You may argue that perhaps they were ambushed by pirates. Bodies were destroyed, dumped into the ocean and that all the riches were stolen, thus washed awayed the evidence of this crime.
To counter that argument, I propose to you an extraordinary vanish which occured in December 5th of 1965, Flight 19. At 2:10pm five US Navy planes were authorized to set out for a overwater navagational training flight. The planes took off from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. About 4:00pm the leader among the five planes radio the base claiming that he was uncertain of where they were. The compasses where malfunctioned, as well much of their communications were unclear due to static, bad frequency, and interference from radio stations. All radio connections were soon lost thus limited their communication with the base. The planes were never discovered ever since. Several assumptions has been made where possibly the planes forced landed into the waters. Or that the fuel ran out, therefore crashed into the waters. Last but not least, possibly the weather played a significant role in contributing to these plane's vanishing act, but there were no reports of bad weather of that time and area. An extensive search was conducted right after this incident, a patrol plane was set out on the 5th of December as well at 7:30pm in searching for the five vanished planes. The patrol plane never returned, lost, undiscovered, and vanished just like the others.

We have just brought back the history of the few disappearences a little closer to our fingertips. Let's take a step further into the triangle and discover what researchers suggest might have caused the vanishes. One theory majority of the researchers all share is that they suggest the triangle consists of strong magnetic field. This magnetic field causes interuptions to all navagating tools such as the compass. With that being said ships and aircrafts would be lost due to the lack of directions. Another theory is that the planes which flew into the triangle was lost, tried to fly their way out, unfortunately ran out of fuel which resulted their lives. So many speculations traveled through the mouths and ears of these researchers and audiences where they claim that a giant octopus had devoured the entire ship along with the missing passengers.
All in all there are hundreds and hundreds of reasons one can state at the same time be debunked. As for myself I only belive what I witness and encounter. Though I must admit that the triangle does stirr my attention and curiosity where sometime I wish to visit the "Devil's Triangle" and see what dimension I landed on or possibly meet a friend from the other side. I have heard of many valid and intelligent reasoning behind all these vanishes. However, it still tickles my mind to the other unsolved factors, ships and planes vanishing with no distress calls, traces, or wreakage.
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