Exorcism- religious practice in evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or place that is believed to be possessed. Possessed- spurred or moved by a strong feeling, madness, or supernatural power. Some may agree that judging through a "possessed" individual's appearence, he or she may not be possessed but only suffering from abuse, stress, drugs, or even psychological issues. The controversy behind exorcism has caused many to argue whether it is a proven fact where it may heal a "possessed" individual or is it only in the mind where there is the demon that dwells in the "possessed". The fact that there are no concrete evidence or data compared to medical studies raises the attention and curiosity of others. The story behind Anneliese Michel is a true life event which highlights this question. Her story has lingered for the past years whether you believe in the demon or not. For those of you who has not heard of Anneliese Michel, a movie was produced not too long ago, Exorcism of Emily Rose in which much of its content was based on Anneliese's experience with the demon. The story behind Anneliese to say the least was a misfortune where a young talented girl raised by a loving yet strict Catholic family in a Leiblfing, Bavaria encounter what some might agree that it was a possession of the demon or some might argue that it was an epilepsy. Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder. Anneliese's first signs of possible possession symptoms occured in 1968 where in the middle of the night she found herself paralyzed. Her tongue and arms locked restrained from any movements as well she had a difficult time breathing. These symptoms would come and go unexpectedly. Her family seeked medical help and through diagnoses, doctors claimed that she was suffering with epileptic. One sign of epileptic are seizures in which was one symptom Anneliese dealt with most often. Anneliese was placed in the hospital in hopes of recovery, but little did she expected that her horror has just begun. In the hospital she would see apparitions of demonic figures. These experiences haunted her and caused her to become more withdrawn and quiet after her departure from the hospital. Her family finally decided that since medical aid was not much of a help; they placed their hopes into the hands of God in resolving Anneliese's struggle. Father Alt was one of the priests who have heard of her case. After several careful examinations, interviews, and observations he requested the bishop's permission in performing an exorcism. Permission was granted, and so Father Alt was accompanied by few more priests in assisting him with the ritual. The exorcism was performed on several occassions from 1975 through 1976. At that point her life was placed solely into the hands of the priests not through her doctors. On July 1st of 1976 at 6:00am Anneliese Michel passed away due to starvation and dehydration. For during her possession, Anneliese claimed that the demon would not allow her to eat. Her death stirred the attention of the media. Her incident was brought to court where the priests who had perform the ritual was sentence to prison for 6 months with 3 years probabtion, plus fine.
When you hear the word exorcism, some might associate the term with the Catholics or Christianity. In reality exorcism is among many religion. For example, Shaman may visit other worlds/dimensions to bring guidance to misguided souls. As well Shamans have the ability to perform rituals in driving evil spirits away from those who are ill. This is very much similar to Anneliese Michel's case of possession. In other cultures such as the Chinese there are Taoists who as well perform rituals in driving evil out from those who are possessed. I would agree that different cultures have their unique methods such as prayers, tools, and beliefs, however at the end all of them serve the same purpose. Whether you believe that Anneliese Michel was possessed or not, still remains a mystery. It is evident that her symptoms do seem similar to epilepsy. However, if it was epilepsy why would doctors claim that they were unable to help her? The family as well Anneliese decided to place their faith into the hands of God, therefore should we respect their decision?
When you hear the word exorcism, some might associate the term with the Catholics or Christianity. In reality exorcism is among many religion. For example, Shaman may visit other worlds/dimensions to bring guidance to misguided souls. As well Shamans have the ability to perform rituals in driving evil spirits away from those who are ill. This is very much similar to Anneliese Michel's case of possession. In other cultures such as the Chinese there are Taoists who as well perform rituals in driving evil out from those who are possessed. I would agree that different cultures have their unique methods such as prayers, tools, and beliefs, however at the end all of them serve the same purpose. Whether you believe that Anneliese Michel was possessed or not, still remains a mystery. It is evident that her symptoms do seem similar to epilepsy. However, if it was epilepsy why would doctors claim that they were unable to help her? The family as well Anneliese decided to place their faith into the hands of God, therefore should we respect their decision?
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